Goodwill Ambassador Types | Styles | Classes

There are many different suitable descriptive and generic occupational titles that more clearly and accurately describe types of "ambassador" and "goodwill ambassador" or "ambassador of goodwill" that can be used with a person's name to disambiguate the idea of the "Goodwill Ambassador" without infringing on the "rights, privileges and responsibilities" of actual Honorable and Lawful Title holders. This page may offer users some acceptable alternatives.

Types of Goodwill Ambassadors

Often broadly classified, there are many types of goodwill ambassadors, many of them are frequently assimilated with other ambassador types and some of them are actually classified as types of goodwill ambassadors. This page is your guide for disambiguating the subtle and broad differences between goodwill ambassador types and classes. 

Disambiguating Ambassador Types

Defining the Contemporary Goodwill Ambassador

An ambassador is an official envoy, especially a high-ranking diplomat (foreign service professional) who represents a state and is usually provided a letter of credence that is granted exequatur in another sovereign state or to an international organization as the resident representative of their own head of government or may be appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment. 

Today the term is more liberally applied to describe persons who are known, with or without a legal appointment, officially or unofficially, to represent certain professions, activities, ideals, and fields of endeavor to foster goodwill on the behalf of corporations, organizations, religious institutions, youth groups, fraternal associations, or state and local governments.

Regardless of the consideration of official capacity as diplomats or as professional promoters; all ambassadors are loyal, trained representatives, civilian officers, and negotiators that are chosen by their respective organizations and governments to promote the interests of the same. Whether a person is considered to be an ambassador, brand ambassador, or goodwill ambassador is most often a matter of interpretation, who they are representing and the type of business they are conducting.

Most Common Types of (Goodwill) Ambassadors

There are many types of ambassadors for all intents and purposes they are all engaged in developing goodwill or demonstrating good faith as representatives of their respective ideals. Some of these types are self-explanatory and others are further defined either here in our website or separately in Wikipedia. While not titular all of these ambassador classes are styled as job positions, roles or titles working as a designated representative.

The most common types of goodwill ambassadors may be more specifically designated as follows: