Goodwill Ambassadors Main Menu

Universal navigation guide for Goodwill Ambassadors International (WebSite) and the Goodwill Ambassador Commission.

Goodwill Ambassadors (WebSite Menu)

Use this extended and consolidated main menu if you are performing academic research, are a newspaper editor, confirming facts for a biographical article, or documenting a public act or event. This guide will help you find the most relevant information on our website which may be hidden from view in other menus.

(Also see: Our Sitemap)

The Goodwill Ambassadors Association now has both a public and private purpose serving the consumer public as well as individual goodwill ambassadors that have been legally appointed or commissioned in their roles as civilian officers that are public figures advocating causes in an official capacity for their representatives organizations, states, and regional authorities.

Goodwill Ambassador Commission Logo/Seal
"Planet Earth" our most valuable resource, our icon, logo and mark were updated to represent the planet earth and sustainable ecological development on a global scale. 

The blog "Goodwill Ambassadors of the World" and the website "Goodwill Ambassadors" are both operated by the new "Goodwill Ambassadors International" (Honorificus) and are the MAIN proponents of the Goodwill Ambassador Commission. Views expressed by editors of the Goodwill Ambassadors Blog are not necessarily the views or policies of the Goodwill Ambassador Commission or the International Goodwill Ambassador Commission. The blog is for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes and the articles there can be written by anyone with competent writing skills talking about someone that has been honorably designated.

The About or About Us section of a website is an important crossroads because it must affirm all of the descriptive information about the website or an entity and answer all the questions that someone may ask "about" a particular topic or idea that is addressed by the website. Every topic or subject that is particular or unique about the Goodwill Ambassador Commission that is not blog fodder cross-references in the About Page. (Also see Main Menu)